Sewing some instant gratification

Yesterday, I woke up and realised something: I needed to finish a project. I was sick of being ‘in progress’ and was craving the delicious sense of achievement that comes with crossing the finish line.

Since all my current projects are long (writing a new novel, rewriting an old one) and even knitting takes days (especially at my speed) I turned back to one of my first loves – sewing.

As luck would have it, my Mum gave me a Clothkits bunting kit on my birthday so I had everything to hand. Mixing and matching the yummy cotton fabrics, putting foot to pedal and ironing the bias binding put me in a blissful state and, a couple of hours later, the finished product was hanging proudly in my kitchen.

Sometimes you need creative instant gratification and machine sewing sure is fast. Happy sigh.


One response to “Sewing some instant gratification”

  1. Jennie Hughes Avatar
    Jennie Hughes

    Yay! Well done to you. The bunting looks very bright and cheerful, just what you need when it’s attempting to snow again outside.