Not really a blog post…

Not only am I neck-deep in book revisions, but I have something else going on this week that is keeping me busy (in a happy kind of way, I’m glad to say), which is a long-winded way of saying ‘sorry for the pathetic not-really-a-blog-post’.

For pretty pictures, spring-time inspiration and more crochet than you can shake a hook at, I suggest you visit Attic 24.

And if that doesn’t brighten your day, try this pre-schooler playing ukulele. Yes, I know it’s a couple of years old, but it still has the power to unshrink my black and shrivelled heart. At least for a moment.


2 responses to “Not really a blog post…”

  1. Fay Dashper-Hughes Avatar
    Fay Dashper-Hughes

    That really made me laugh. This one came up on the right of the screen and made my entire team cry!

    Fay x

  2. Sarah Avatar

    Ha! Thanks for that, Fay. That child has a glittering career in comedy ahead… x