Water for Elephants

I recently read and adored Sara Gruen’s book Water for Elephants and was excited to hear that it was being filmed. Lots of books shouldn’t be, of course, but one about the circus? Oh yeah… Even better is the casting news – the wonderful Reese Witherspoon plays Marlena. I’ve loved Witherspoon since her note-perfect turn as June Carter Cash in Walk The Line and I think her particular blend of femininity, humour and gutsy strength is perfect for the part.

Anyhoo, Vogue did a fancy-schmancy photo shoot to go with an interview. See pics above and below:

Beautiful, right?

The film is released in the UK on Wednesday (4th May).


2 responses to “Water for Elephants”

  1. Matthew Dashper-Hughes Avatar
    Matthew Dashper-Hughes

    Only downside… R-Patz is the love interest.

    The good news is that if they run out of sawdust for the circus ring, they can grind his performance down to generate a virtually infinite supply of the stuff.

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Heh. Very true. He is very sweet as Cedric, though, so perhaps there’s hope?