New craft magazine – Mollie Makes

I spotted Mollie Makes online and, seeing as it’s about craft, looks pretty, and is a Future Publishing production (my rather wonderful first place of proper, grown up employment), I had to hunt down a copy.

Consequently, I just spent a happy hour flicking through its well-designed pages, stroking the lovely matt cover, and day-dreaming about spending lots of money on fabric and the like. Now, that’s how to do Mondays…

The magazine costs £4.99 per issue, but the eagle-eyed may have noticed a special launch offer: Subscribe for three months for just £5. Bargain!


2 responses to “New craft magazine – Mollie Makes”

  1. Keris Avatar

    I’ve subscribed even though I haven’t got the first issue yet. It just looks so gorgeous! I’ve found a local stockist and will be buying it tomorrow 🙂

  2. Sarah Avatar

    Yay! I think you’ll like it! x