Mulling things over

Things have been quiet here on the blog and for that I can only apologise.I’m deep in the rewriting cave and consequently my brain is out-of-step with reality. The kids have to keep reminding me who they are (not really) and the level of cat hair in the house has reached epic proportions (sadly true).

Also, I took a week out for a family holiday to the beautiful island of Mull. My parents booked a lovely cottage in Carsaig Bay through Ecosse Unique and kindly invited us along.

After taking a ferry and driving for a couple of hours on some hair-raising single-track roads, we arrived at our very own bay. It was stunning: Waterfalls cascading down craggy cliffs cut with basalt columns, dense forest behind the cottage, and Highland cattle and deer grazing in the fields leading down to the rocky shoreline. The kids were in heaven and we had a fabulous week throwing rocks into the sea, building dams, making ‘land art’ and scrambling over giant boulders.

We also took a trip to Iona. Look at the white sand and blue sea. We had this beach to ourselves, too. *smug face*

I also got to enjoy one of those fabulous parental moments – one of those when you realise that you’ve just witnessed a golden memory being built. We were just getting off the boat from Iona when one of the ferry men motioned us over to the side and there, begging for scraps from a moored fishing boat, was a seal.

My daughter was entranced. She still can’t believe she got such a good look at a seal “in the wild”.

Right! Back to my cave…
