Author Interview: Keris Stainton

I’m very excited to introduce my very first author interview on the blog – YA author, journalist and blogger, Keris Stainton.  

Me: The book is set in New York and one of the main characters is American, but it all rings absolutely true.  Did you do a lot of research and was it a nightmare getting the language right?
Keris: Thank you. If watching American TV and films counts as research then, yes, I did loads 🙂 I also asked on Twitter about certain words – “Would an 18-year-old American boy say this?” It was funny because I’d almost always get a lot of different answers. But it wasn’t a nightmare – I really enjoyed it. The only thing was – still is, actually – panicking that I’d got something wrong. I noticed Finn using the word “tap” in the very final run through. Faucet! Not tap!

Me: The setting of the book is a triumph. The city feels more like another character than mere scenery and I’m guessing you’re a fan of the place. Could you tell us your favourite things to do, see and eat in New York?

Keris: Thank you again! Yes, a reviewer described the book as “a love letter to New York” and I really think – hope – it is. I was obsessed with the place before I ever went there. When Jessie’s parents take the mickey out of her for pretending to live in New York as a child, that’s totally based on me. I first went there in 1999 and have been four more times since. I’d love to be able to go every year, but haven’t quite sorted myself financially for that yet!
I think I put almost all of my favourite things to do, see and eat in the book! The main thing I tell everyone to do is go to Top of the Rock. I’ve been up the Empire State Building a few times and while that is, of course, wonderful, I think Top of the Rock is better. It looks gorgeous, you get a breathtaking view of Central Park and you can see the Empire State Building (which is the one thing missing from the view *from* the Empire State Building!). The Roosevelt Island Tramway is fabulous too, as long as you’re not scared of heights (also there’s nothing to do on Roosevelt Island so you just have to turn around and come back, but it’s still worth it). Food-wise, you have to get a pretzel and a hot dog from a street vendor. That is a definite must. 

Me: What are the best and worst things about writing YA fiction?

Keris: The best thing is getting to create characters and settings and stories and then just live in them for a while. And getting sweet, funny, enthusiastic comments from readers. The YA blogging community is wonderful too. The worst thing? Same as any genre: waiting and worrying. 

Me: I know that you have two children and work as a journalist as well as writing novels. I am in awe of your productivity. What’s your secret? If there isn’t a secret (boo!), what’s a typical working day like for you?

Keris: Thank you, but it’s all smoke and mirrors – I’m incredibly lazy, honestly. I do very little work. I work well with a deadline so I can actually cram quite a lot of writing into a short timescale, but the rest of the time I don’t do much at all. I think because I blog quite a lot and I’m always on Twitter I come over as being a lot more productive than I am! My typical working day is spent faffing around online until an hour before I have to pick my son up from school and then going into a mad panic!

Me: That sound reassuringly familiar! To wrap up, can you give us any hints about the next Keris Stainton book?

Keris: I don’t know if I can say since nothing’s definite yet, but I’m hoping to write more books set in glamorous locations… Keep your fingers crossed for me! 🙂

Thanks so much, Keris!

As promised, you have a chance to win a (literally) shiny new copy of Jessie Hearts NYC.  Just leave a comment before the closing date (midnight GMT, Sunday 17th July 2011) and I’ll pick one name at random.

*Competition open to UK-only, I’m afraid.


12 responses to “Author Interview: Keris Stainton”

  1. Luisa Plaja Avatar

    I can’t wait to read more Keris Stainton books! Thank you for this great interview, both of you. I loved reading it!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks, Luisa! I’m very excited about my first author interview and giveaway and hope to host many more… Hint hint ;o) x

  2. Luisa Plaja Avatar

    P.S. I’m already the proud owner of a couple of copies (!) of Jessie Hearts NYC, so no need to enter me into the draw. But good luck to anyone entering!

  3. Emma's Room Avatar

    Really loved the honesty and humour of your interview! Now I would love to read the book!!! Will be entering the comp and my fingers are crossed, failing that I’II just need to buy it! Xx

  4. Rachel Moorhouse Avatar
    Rachel Moorhouse

    One to add on to my “To read” list. Good one lovely lady xxx

    1. Melia Avatar

      All of these articles have saved me a lot of hdeaaechs.

  5. Jennie Avatar

    Lovely first interview – please do more! I’ll definitely read the book as it’s undoubtedly the nearest I’ll ever get to New York 🙂

  6. Kate Avatar

    Want to read it now! Great interview, PLEASE do some more!

  7. Evergrowingbrain Avatar

    Nice one, great interview, will give her a go…

  8. Matthew Dashper-Hughes Avatar
    Matthew Dashper-Hughes

    Top of the Rock was my favourite view in NYC too, although at 8am on a snow covered January morning it was pretty bloody cold…

  9. Michael Hughes Avatar
    Michael Hughes

    Lovely warm interview that makes me want to read the book. Also, fascinating to hear that it is possible to juggle children, journalism, net working and net playing, turning out a great piece of work – and still feel that you’re lazy. Surely you can give Keris some advice on this problem Sarah?(!).

  10. Matthew Avatar

    Agreed. It is staggering that people juggling so much feel like they’re doing so little. Quite amazing.