Revision Hell: An update

Well, I’ve started the (rather wonderful) Storywonk Revision Class and have got serious with my WIP…

A week ago, it looked like this:

And now? I think I’m going to need a bigger cork board…

I’ve revised books before. I’ve even attempted something similar with index cards and coloured pens but, well, I’ve never got this far with it. I’ve allowed myself to stop when it got too difficult, when the number of ‘scenes’ that turned out to be fragments became too depressing, when my plot (or lack of) was too stark. Not this time. I’ve cut those fragments. I’ve scribbled over chunks that no longer fit the story. I’ve powered through to the (very) bitter end.

And, you know something? It’s going to be really helpful. Yes, I already knew that the last third of the book was a God-awful mess, but now I can really SEE the mess. Better yet, I can see possibilities for fixing it.



7 responses to “Revision Hell: An update”

  1. kelworthfiles Avatar

    Good luck, Sarah! We’re all going through it with you. And I’m feeling glad that I picked the biggest cork board that the local Wal-mart had on the shelves!

    If you get a chance, check out a fellow writer’s zombie story and help me make him wear an embarrassing shirt next year! Details are here:

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks, Chris, and thanks for visiting… I’ll definitely check out that zombie story!

  2. Matthew Avatar

    Wow missus – that’s pretty impressive. Well done you!!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks, Matthew. I feel like Dory at the moment singing ‘just keep swimming, just keep swimming’. x

  3. Fay Dashper-Hughes Avatar
    Fay Dashper-Hughes

    I am really looking forward to having a best selling author as a sister-in-law. I will be able to point at your books in Waterstones and say that I am realted to that talented woman! X

  4. Fay Dashper-Hughes Avatar
    Fay Dashper-Hughes

    RELATED even! My fingers have gone on strike for the day.

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Oh, thank you! What a lovely message… I’ll do my best to make it come true! x