Friday Five

Five fabulous links to distract and delight…

1. Becoming a writer has definitely affected my enjoyment of reading. Although I can still lose myself in a book, more often than not my enjoyment is accompanied by my ‘writer self’ examining and dissecting the prose. I’m not alone, as this interesting post by Candy Gourlay proves.

2. Author Joe Hill’s love letter to notebooks and a – slightly disturbing – rundown of his journal-keeping habits.

3. Knits for Nerds. If the cover of this book (out next year) is anything to go by, it includes a knitting pattern for a Princess Leia outfit. It makes me so happy that this exists in the world.

4. The Graphics Fairy. Gorgeous blog stuffed with free vintage images for crafting projects, collages and arty blogs.

Um. Yes, I realise that’s only four… Have you seen the sunshine today? I’m heading outside. Have a good weekend, all!
