Friday Five: The NaNoWriMo Edition

Oh my, it’s that time of year again… Already! How did this happen? (This is a serious question. Answers on a postcard, please.)

So, the gears are turning at NaNoWriMo HQ, preparing for another month of frenzied keyboard activity as thousands of people around the world attempt the improbable: 50,000 words of fiction in one month.

I’ve tried NaNoWriMo in the past and failed. I’ll probably take part again, though, because I invariably end up writing a good chunk of rough draft material and that ain’t to be sneezed at. As one wise person said to me on day 29 of last year’s challenge: ‘Words. Good.’


How about you guys? Anyone else joining in this year? If so, the following links are just for you…

1. How to do NaNoWriMo when you don’t have the time. Handy hints from writer Alison Wells.

2. Easily distracted and need a full-screen text editor? Or perhaps you want to be able to work on your NaNo book online. Check out this list of 10 free minimalist word processors.

3. Invest in a Go Away I’m Writing mug from the Literary Gift Company and send a subtle message to your nearest and dearest.

4. Stuck? Read Chris Baty’s (founder of NaNoWriMo) book No Plot? No Problem. Although it isn’t on my shelves, it’s been recommended to me enough times that it probably should be.

5. And if that doesn’t do the trick, access the Pep Talk archives at NaNoWriMo HQ for inspiring advice and encouragement from writers including Neil Gaiman, Philip Pullman and Maureen Johnson. If they don’t get you fired up and raring to go, then I don’t know what will.*

*I do know: caffeine.


3 responses to “Friday Five: The NaNoWriMo Edition”

  1. Luisa Plaja Avatar

    Brilliant links! Good luck! There is no way it can be November soon, though. Argh!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks, Luisa! I know that you are a NaNo pro! Are you taking part this year?

      1. Luisa Plaja Avatar

        Yes – or at least, that’s the plan!