Friday Five: Happy days

Happy Friday y’all! In defiance of the dreich weather outside I’m spewing sunshine on this here blog. Enjoy…

1. A day that begins with a parcel of books is always going to be good. The very lovely YA author Karen Mahoney sent me both The Iron Witch and its sequel The Wood Queen as a prize for taking part in her writing challenge and their arrival has totally made my day. The writing community is joyful and supportive and something I am proud and honoured to be a part of. Thanks Kaz! (Now I just have to resist cracking those beautiful spines until AFTER I’ve got my word count for the day…)

2. You know how – usually after a few hits of firewater – people say things like ‘wouldn’t it be cool to make a film’? Well, my brilliant brother has done exactly that. He (and two talented friends) formed Hugawookie Films and they just completed a five minute film in two days for the Sci-Fi London 48 Hour Challenge. I’m in awe of what they’ve achieved in such a short time.

3. The Oatmeal’s cartoon on how to get likes on Facebook (top tip – create something awesome) and Hank Green’s video response.  A grown man making a sing-a-long song about how to load a dishwasher is just the kind of endeavour that gives me hope for the future of mankind.

4. Write books? Check out Patrick Samphire’s helpful advice on creating an author website.

5. I’ve mentioned craftacular magazine Mollie Makes before but if you subscribe now (for six months or a year), you get a free fabric, button and ribbon pack courtesy of The Makery.


One response to “Friday Five: Happy days”

  1. Matthew Dashper-Hughes Avatar
    Matthew Dashper-Hughes

    Muchos Gracias for the shout out, from me and the other Hugawookie boys!