Friday Five: The happiness edition

This week’s Friday Five is going to be (more than usually) self-obsessed. Brace yourselves!

1. I have an agent!

2. I have a wonderful agent!

3. *grins loopily*

4. Right. Sorry about that… As you were.

5. Meep!


8 responses to “Friday Five: The happiness edition”

  1. Spijder Avatar


    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you! And thank you for visiting!

  2. Luisa Avatar

    Hurray, hurray! Congratulations!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks so much, Luisa! Hope you have a great weekend! x

  3. davros Avatar

    Fantastic news – well done!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you!

  4. Keris Avatar

    Hurrah! 🙂

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you, Keris!