Friday Five: The ‘huh?’ edition

[Image credit: Terry Lightfoot}

I’m so close to finishing the book and am unable to think of anything else. Or at all. These links may amuse you or they may make you go ‘huh?’ – I am currently unable to make value judgements of any kind.*

1. These handmade leather wings from ThinkGeek are undeniably brilliant, but I think I like the customer warning even more: ‘Wings Do Not Enable User To Fly’. Heh.

2. I’ve just set this as my desktop background. Van Gogh’s Starry Night with added TARDIS.

3. More Doctor Who; a preview for the next installment of is available here. Yay!

4. Word nerd? There’s a wealth of information on the meaning and origin of words and phrases over at Mark Forsyth’s (The Etymologicon) Inky Fool.

5. A great piece on writerly procrastination by Emma Darwin. Getting through the door in the wall.

* Except those involving snacks.**

**And, yes. I’m aware it’s Monday. This is just the way I roll at the moment.
