Back to work

I’m back!

After the Big Rewrite I had a week off (a staycation with my lovely family). We took the kids to the beach, had a couple of days out in Edinburgh and went on a camping trip with friends. We had lie-ins in the mornings and wine at night and I did lots of reading. Bliss!

Since then, I’ve been trying to finish a few house/garden jobs and to get back into work. The kids are still on holiday (another week or so to go) but I really want to get my new office ready for my ‘official’ return to work when they go back to school. I need to paint my second-hand shelves and move my desk and computer in, not to mention prettify the space. When it’s ready I’ll take some pictures and pop them up here.

I’m also swithering (no!) between projects and getting annoyed with myself for my lack of focus. I’ve been thinking about strategies for dealing with that and for improving productivity but will ramble about them on another day.

[Image credit: Wishes Machine by EvaJuliet. Available from Etsy.]
