Friday Five: The writing process

I’ve been thinking a lot about my writing process this week. Unfortunately, I’m also buried in another rewrite of The Book so haven’t been able to shape those thoughts into a coherent blog post. A process-themed Friday Five shall have to do – for now!

1. First off, this thoughtful piece on applying business project strategies to writing a novel.
2. Considering The Book STILL isn’t finished, I think everyone should listen to this excellent advice from the always-colourful Chuck Wendig. If you don’t love what you’re writing, I really don’t see how you could get through the sheer amount of work that’s needed…
3. Also, this short tumblr post from YA author Kiersten White made me smile at an otherwise tense ‘throwing the ms against the wall’ moment.

4. Buzzfeed’s 30 Indispensable Writing Tips From Famous Authors.

5. If you’re at the beginning of a writing project and wondering exactly how a professional, succesful author does it, Holly Black has kindly listed daily word counts for one of her books, and then described her editing process here.


2 responses to “Friday Five: The writing process”

  1. Matthew Dashper-Hughes Avatar

    Thank you for the shout out!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      You are very welcome! Have a great weekend. x