Book News: Mine!

snoopy_happy_danceI’ve been sitting on this news for a while (and it’s been killing me to keep quiet!), but I’ve been given the go ahead to tell you guys…

Thanks to Agent Fabulous, I’ve accepted a two book deal with a major publisher.

*pause for happy dance*

It’s a ‘digital first’ deal with MIRA’s new imprint which means that the book will be released as an e-book in the first instance (with the possibility of a print version later) and I’m so excited.*

I’m delighted that my book has found such a wonderful home and that I’m working with fantastic professionals who love it as much as I do. Honestly, I can’t stop smiling.

I’ll keep you updated with all the details over the next few months. Meep!

*So much understatement in this post. Please just picture me hyperventilating with happiness.


10 responses to “Book News: Mine!”

  1. Emma's Room Avatar

    Wonderful things come to wonderful people!!! Your persistence and never failing, most of the time, positivity has paid off. Plus, showing off a bit as not one but two book deal (honestly only joking!!) I’m beaming for you too, but you know that!!!! Xxxx

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you, lovely lady! xx

  2. Luisa Plaja Avatar

    Hurray hurray, CONGRATULATIONS, Sarah! xx

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you so much, Luisa! xx

  3. lennonsundance Avatar

    Congrats! I’m looking forward to that day myself. How long did it take you?

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you. This book took a year to write, six months to get an agent, another six months of revising with the advice of my agent and then a few months on submission. But it’s not the first book I’ve written! Good luck with your writing and thanks again for your good wishes!

  4. anstey Avatar

    Brilliant, Sarah! Really brilliant – a million congrats. xxxx

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you, Anstey! xx

  5. Ali Avatar

    Woop indeed! Let me know when I can get it on my kindle and we’ll see you in a week or so hopefully..xx

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you, Ali! xx