Quick update (warning, contains meeping)

Meep! My publisher (I’ll never get tired of saying that) has announced me on their website. There’s an article about ‘my journey to publication‘, too. (I left out most of the meeping… Trying to sound professional, yo). 

If you want more of my blether, I’m also on Novelicious talking about using collage to help you write your novel.

Re. The April Challenge: Um… Yeah. I’m getting back to it today. That’s all I’m saying. This GIF (from Title2Come) will give you an idea of my progress over the last few days.


2 responses to “Quick update (warning, contains meeping)”

  1. Luisa Plaja Avatar

    What a brilliant article! More huge congratulations, Sarah! xx

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you, Luisa! xx