Eight Weeks and a Challenge

red_typewriterI was going to title this post ‘eight weeks to Christmas’ but I thought you might throw things at me…

There are, however, eight weeks of the school term left, which is both a nice-sounding amount of time for a writing challenge and a terrifying amount of time in which to get everything else in life sorted. Basically, if I only had to wear one hat (my ‘author’ one) for two months, I think I could finish the first draft of my new book.

However, that is sadly not the case… This term is always busy (Halloween, school concerts, Christmas preparations, seasonal coughs and colds) and I will also have (at least) one more rewrite of my second Carina book, too. Plus, of course, my posts for Novelicious, promotional stuff, and any other bits of freelance writing which come my way.

Still. I would dearly love to skid into the Christmas holiday with a good chunk of the new book written. It’s an idea I began writing last year and it makes me all tingly with excitement. I put it to one side when I got the Carina deal in order to write the sequel to The Language of Spells, but it’s been tickling the back of my mind the whole time.

So. Eight weeks. Even allowing for everything above and the fact that I’m a slow writer, I’m going to aim for 40,000 words.

I’m going to check in here every Monday with an update on my progress and if anybody fancies joining my eight-week challenge, please ‘sign up’ in the comments. Just state your goal (it can be anything you like) and visit every Monday to let us know how you’re getting on/get support/demand chocolate.


6 responses to “Eight Weeks and a Challenge”

  1. Aimee Avatar

    Oh I like the sound of this! Good Luck!

  2. Sarah Avatar

    Thanks so much, Aimee! Care to join me?! Unlike NaNoWriMo, you can choose any word goal you like, work on an existing project, and you get eight weeks… Plus, I might send you chocolate 😉

    1. aimeehorton Avatar

      Milka chocolate?! I AM IN!

      In all seriousness though, I have just finished first draft of “THE NOVEL” and want to add 15k and do a complete set of edits, so this might be a nice goal as like you the time between now and Christmas is going to fly!

      YOU ARE ON!

      1. Sarah Avatar

        Yay!! Welcome on board! And well done on finishing your first draft, too. I’ll see you next Monday for check in – good luck!

  3. Kelly Avatar

    I would like to try it but still have one child at home… hmmmm

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Hi Kelly, thanks so much for commenting. I feel your pain re. mixing parenting with writing, but don’t forget you can set your own goal!
      1000 words? 8000 words? Whatever you think will stretch you a little bit, but is (in some way!) achievable… A target to aim for. Go for it! 🙂