Monday Motivation: Community

Procrastination-Mug-SmallLast week I shared my new colouring-in method for recording word count and, I’m happy to report, it has continued to work well for me. Even on bad-writing days, I would say to myself that I only had to write a sentence or two and I could colour in my chart.

This month, I have written Every Single Day, which makes me very happy!

I mentioned that there was another tactic in my fight-against-procrastination and I shall reveal it now… Community.

Wonderful (and very lovely) author Stephanie Burgis ran a ‘March Madness’ challenge on FB. I’ve joined writing challenges before and found them helpful but this one was particularly good. I think the daily check-ins were key. There is something about writing down your goal for the day (in public!) which really focuses the mind.

Plus, they’re an incredibly kind and supportive group – thanks again, guys!

