Book News: The Lost by Sarah Beth Durst

the lost

The Lost by Sarah Beth Durst is published today and you should totally go out and buy it/download it to your e-reader Right Now.

I was lucky enough to get a review copy of this book and, although I’m not a proper book reviewer*, I’m very happy to shout loudly when I find something I think is brilliant. And this is brilliant.

It’s wildly imaginative with a central premise – a town of lost people, filled with lost items – that is so well realised it gave me actual goosebumps as I began reading.

I was delighted to read on Sarah’s blog that this is the first book of a trilogy. The second, The Missing, is out in December. I know what I’m putting on my Christmas list…

* I will only ever recommend books on this blog, which means I will only feature/mention books I genuinely love. Karma, innit.




