
Hello, my lovelies; how are you?

I took a break from rewriting the book last week and headed down south for a holiday.

In addition to quality time with family, I caught up with two very dear friends who have just had babies. Adorable tiny babies with that ‘new baby smell’. Happy sigh.

I also went to London to meet my agent in person for the first time (there are some disadvantages to living in Scotland) and my editor at Carina.

I was super-nervous but they were both so lovely that they put me at my ease. We went out for lunch and talked (mostly, unsurprisingly) about books and publishing. It was ace!

It’s something I’ve dreamed about for years and it made everything feel more real. This is going to sound utterly daft, but it’s finally beginning to sink in that I’ve got a couple of books out, that I might (maybe, hopefully) be able to keep on writing and make a real go of it. Oh, I do hope so.

And on that note, I’d better get back to my rewrite…
