Books, Books, Books!

Having finished the latest (maybe final?!) rewrite on the WIP, I’m now free to catch up on my reading. Yay!

Here are the books I’ve been gazing at longingly for the last few weeks…

N.B. This list doesn’t include the books I’ve put on my Christmas wish-list or the pile I have out from the library. Yes, I am a bookaholic, but you guys knew that, right?

mynotoriouslifeMy Notorious Life by Kate Manning. This was featured on Catherine Newman’s blog (I love her writing and have followed several of her book – and board game! – recommendations with great success). Plus, it sounds amazing. Here’s Emma Donoghue’s blurb:

Not just a splendidly page-turning story of an angry orphan clawing her way up in the world, but a gripping docu-drama about women’s business (in several senses) in nineteenth-century America. My Notorious Life gives midwifery its full dues: the glories and the miseries, the feminism and the money, the literally bloody ethical dilemmas. Unflinchingly memorable (Emma Donoghue, author of Room)

provincial The Diary of a Provincial Lady by E.M. Delafield. I think I heard about this book from Sara Manning on Twitter and, as my obsession with the 1930s continues unabated, I grabbed a second-hand copy with both hands.



goodomensGood Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. The fabulous news about the Radio 4 adaptation of this book reminded me that I’m long overdue a re-read.




businessforauthors Business For Authors by Joanna Penn. I’ve been freelance for many years and have even run my own company, but I haven’t quite made the psychological switch to treating my fiction writing as a business. I really want to build a career/continue doing this full-time, though, so I’ve downloaded this manual to kick-start my business-planning for 2015.




The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton. I missed reading this with my book club because of deadline-hell, but everybody loved it so I’m keen to give it a whirl.


3 responses to “Books, Books, Books!”

  1. Helen Avatar

    Ooh, some lovely books here. I’ve put The Miniaturist on my christmas list already and am currently reading The Diary of a Provincial Lady. Now I’m going to check out Business for Authors.

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks, Helen! I just finished Business For Authors and it’s really good and absolutely packed with useful info. I’m going to go back through it and take notes/make a business plan. I really like Joanna Penn’s podcasts, too, at

      1. Helen Avatar

        Brilliant. Shall check out. Thanks Sarah.