2015: Dreaming Big, Setting Goals

ID-100298534Hello my lovelies!

I hope you are having a wonderful winter holiday.

In addition to eating chocolate and spending time with family, I’ve been chucking stuff out in preparation for the new year. There is something about the dead time between Christmas and January 1st which gets my ‘clear the decks’ head on and I’ve filled several bin bags.

I also love the chance to take stock of what I’ve achieved, to think about what I want to do next and – my favourite activity – set some goals!

Some of these are largely out of my control and, as such, fall into the ‘dream big’ category. I’m hoping, of course, that my latest book finds an amazing publishing home and that I have happy book deal news to tell you all soon.

And, if any passing film producer wants to snap up the rights to The Language of Spells or The Secrets of Ghosts, that would also be sweet!

However, in terms of stuff I can actually control…

My main goal for 2015 is to write a new novel but, after reading Joanna Penn’s Business For Authors and doing a lot of thinking during December, I have a few other goals to add to that:

Update this blog regularly. I didn’t do too badly this year, but I would like to consistently update once a week during 2015.

Overhaul my website. I’m moving to self-hosted and I also want to tweak the design.

Send out my first newsletter (and a couple more throughout the year).

Try another format for blogging/connecting with readers. I adore listening to podcasts and would really like to try making one of my own.

Write lots and lots. I’m stealing my friend Keris’s 2014 strategy and am aiming for a yearly total of 150,000 words (her total was much larger – hush now). This works out at 15,000 a month for ten months (giving myself two months off for holidays/fallow periods).

15,000 a month can be further broken down into 3750 per week or, 750 words each work day. That sounds pretty reasonable, but I shall update throughout the year to let you know whether it’s working.

So, how about you guys? Are you setting goals or making resolutions?





5 responses to “2015: Dreaming Big, Setting Goals”

  1. Helen Avatar

    Great goals. Many similar to myself. Would love to chat to you more, at some point in the new year, about your self-hosted and podcast plans.

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you, Helen! And, ‘yes, please’ to chatting… Any time! x

  2. Judy Grivas Avatar
    Judy Grivas

    I love your writing goals….you’re an inspiration. I spend the week after new years clearing out old paper work, etc…..

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you so much, Judy – what a lovely thing to say! And I’m glad it’s not just me who likes a clean sweep this time of year… Good luck with your clearing out and best wishes for 2015.

      1. Judy Grivas Avatar
        Judy Grivas

        Thank you, and the same to you!