Friday Five: The Feeble Edition

Argh! It’s the end of the week, already!

I’ve been feeling very overwhelmed and feeble this week, so this Friday Five is all about trying to combat that.

1. New knitting project. Knitting is definitely good for stress-relief and the repetitive action helps me to think through story ideas, too.

This owl pattern and yarn combination is super-cute, but the yarn itself is making me cross-eyed. I’m getting used to it, though, and the pattern is nice and simple, which is what I need at the moment!



2. I’ve been giving myself plenty of reading time (as I know that will help me to ‘refill the creative well’, as well as being an enjoyable escape from my own head) and I really enjoyed The Lie by C.L. Taylor and Reasons to Stay Alive by Matt Haig.

3. Easing out the post-deadline kinks with some yoga. I’ve been saying ‘I must do some yoga, it’ll do me good’ for so long, that I (finally) got sick of myself and actually did some. Hurrah. I’ve been following the 30 Days of Yoga on the  ‘Yoga With Adriene’ channel on YouTube and I really like her down-to-earth, approach.

amandapalmer4. I don’t think I have a number four, unless you count walking lots and listening to podcasts.  Oh, I know! I’ve been listening to Amanda Palmer’s The Art of Asking: How I learned to stop worrying and let people help
audio book and it’s really good.

5. There is no number five, either. Feeble, see?



Quick reminder! If you want to be in with a chance of winning one of two signed copies of The Language of Spells, sign up for my mailing list here and I’ll put your name in the hat! 


5 responses to “Friday Five: The Feeble Edition”

  1. Carl Markham Avatar

    1. Can’t do knitting – but NET-MAKING is similar, and I find is great stress-reliever. Just LOVE your owls (have got a huge collection of them made from every conceivable material)
    2. Have been practicing Hatha Yoga for many years – more a ‘way of life’ to me once I got over being toe ‘token male’ in every class I attended!
    3. Yes, I also listened to Amanda Palmer on R2 this evening. Made resolution to ASK more (typical ‘independent’/’self-contained ‘bloke!
    4. Have given you 5* review of ‘Language of Spells’ on Amazon
    5. There’s no #5 LOL!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Hi Carl – thanks for visiting and commenting! A huge thank you, too, for leaving me a review on Amazon – I really appreciate it! Hope you’re having a good weekend 🙂

      1. Carl Markham Avatar

        My pleasure, Ma’am! Hope you’re enjoying a boss w/e also. It’s absolutely bucketing down here on Orkney, so just a quick dash out to feed my sheep and the birds. Now tucked beside the wood-burner with a sleepy cat and Sarah Hall’s ‘The Carhullan Army’. I’d been listening to ‘The Wolf Border’ all last week on R4 and wanted to sample some of her earlier work. She certainly constructs some very strong female characters!

  2. susankmann Avatar

    Those owls are so cute. My boys would love them. Adorable x

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you! (And my son loves owls, too! I think this one is going to get adopted by him as soon as it’s finished…) x