I Have A Book Title! Meep!

Lazy morning, Zelda-style
Zelda is successfully hiding her excitement at my new title…

Hello my lovelies! Hope you are all well, and I apologise in advance for the number of exclamation marks in the following post.

I’m very excited to announce that my new novel has a title* (courtesy of my wonderful editor at Lake Union) and a release date. Yes, it’s up for pre-order Right Now. No cover art, yet, but I have been told it’s being designed AS I TYPE THIS. (Sorry, forgot to warn you about the all-capitals-shouting, too. SORRY – TOO EXCITED.)

So, without further ado, my next book is called:

In The Light of What We See

And it will be published on 8th March 2016. Meep!

In other news, I’ve put together a little behind-the-scenes freebie for those of you who enjoyed reading about the Harper family in The Language of Spells, The Secrets of Ghosts and The Garden of Magic (or for people who just like free recipes).

Head here to grab your copy.

It features a lovely photograph of Iris’s journal, created by my amazing in-house production team (AKA My Mum and Dad – thank you!).

Also, if you’re interested in writing, but need some help in getting started, check out my latest article on The Worried Writer: How To Build a Writing Habit The Easy Way


*Listeners of my podcast, The Worried Writer, may be confused. You might be thinking ‘but Sarah told us the title in the last episode’. Apologies! It changed. I hope you like the new one!




11 responses to “I Have A Book Title! Meep!”

  1. Keris Stainton Avatar
    Keris Stainton

    I love it! Congratulations. x

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks, Keris! x

  2. Carl Markham Avatar
    Carl Markham

    Hi Sarah!
    …Now that title sounds as tho’ it jus might be a NON-FICTION book! I’m intrigued – wonder if I’m right? It’s certainly very different to your other titles. Anyway, as always – good luck (as if you needed it!)
    Gosh, hasn’t Zelda grown since the last pic you posted of her? I guess it’s like kids one hasn’t seen for a while. One of my nieces paid me a visit during the summer. The last time I saw her she was a ‘gawky’ sullen teenager just about to sit her A levels…..Then this smartly dressed young woman steps out of her Porsche sports car, drops me a false courtsey and gives me a big smile “Hello, Uncle Carl. How lovely to see you after all this time”. Zelda still looks the same feisty tigress tho’ even when resting (just take a closer look at that right paw !)

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Hi Carl. Thanks for your comment and the good wishes! It’s another novel – a dual narrative set in a hospital in Brighton and is part historical, part psychological thriller.

    2. Carl Markham Avatar
      Carl Markham

      Hi Sarah!
      Whoops! (Well, maybe that was because we’ve just had our annual International Science Festival here – and the theme was – LIGHT!) Of course with a title like that I guess the topic could be almost anything e.g. ‘Religious/Spiritual’ – “I am the light of the World” etc. ) Most intriguing! Hope it’s going to have a god cover picture – it deserves one!
      Best wishes, Carl

  3. maggie Avatar

    Dear Sarah,

    Congratulations! I am so looking forward to reading your new book. As you know, I thoroughly enjoyed your last two books and I will be purchasing these for my sister as I know she will enjoy these.

    Best wishes

    Maggie xx

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Hi Maggie! Thanks so much for your kind words – I really appreciate your support! Hope you are well. x

  4. susankmann Avatar

    Sounds amazing, can’t wait to check it out. x

    1. Magdalena Cabeza Avatar
      Magdalena Cabeza

      Dear Sarah,
      I am sure I read somewhere that your two current books are coming out in hardback. I would like to purchase these. Please could you tell me where they are being sold or if you have them in stock, if I could purchase from them.

      REally looking forward to your new book in March!

      Best wishes


      1. Sarah Avatar

        Hi Maggie, Thanks so much for your question! The Language of Spells is the only one available in print (paperback) at the moment. You can get it from Amazon http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Language-Spells-Sarah-Painter/dp/026391755X/ref=tmm_pap_title_0
        I am hoping that Carina will follow suit and put The Secrets of Ghosts into paperback, too, but nothing has been confirmed. The new book – In The Light of What We See – will be available as a paperback (and audiobook) as well as ebook. Very best wishes, Sarah x

    2. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you, Susan! (Sorry for my late reply – not sure where time is going at the moment!). x