Writing, Snow and The End of The Year Approacheth

Snowy garden office
Snowy commute to the writing shed yesterday! Brr!

Hello, my lovelies.

It’s the last day of November – eep! As if to hammer the point home, the weather took a decidedly wintry turn yesterday (see above).

I managed to hit my target of 30,000 words, but my WIP hasn’t grown by anywhere near that much as I’ve scrapped a character’s point-of-view. Sigh. Still, I have to remember that I had to write those words in order to discover that they didn’t belong in the book.

Stabilo fine-liner pens
Fine-tipped colour pens make everything better. Fact.

I have so many plans for December. There is ‘life stuff’ to catch up on (like Christmas shopping and crafting) and lots of writing-related things I want to get done before the Christmas holiday and the end of the year…

The last month of the year is a time to revisit my goals for 2015, knowing it’s my last chance to get them done.*

It’s a little overwhelming to be honest, so I’m going to sit down with my favourite fine-tipped coloured pens and make a list. Or two.

Thank you for visiting!

*I know fine well I can ‘carry them over’ to next year’s goal list, but I don’t want to, damn it!




3 responses to “Writing, Snow and The End of The Year Approacheth”

  1. Carl Markham Avatar
    Carl Markham

    So you’ve had snow, others have now had rain by the bucketful – and we’ve just had the first of the seasonal gales that have made us islanders even more isolated – it’s called WINTER! I liked your wee writing shed – very ‘Scandinavian’, particularly in that setting! Ah…the dreaded POV complex! Amazing that no matter how much it’s drilled into us never to forget it, somehow we continue to fall into the hole! (At least you’ve got the luxury of the delete key, whereas I have to use the self-inflicted Tippex and/or revert to the original cut n’ paste – well actually, Selotape!)

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Carl, I can’t imagine not working on a computer. I guess you have to do more of the composition in your mind/long-hand before you type?

  2. susankmann Avatar

    wow you have way more snow than we have. Love the pens, they do make everything better. Hope you are getting organised x