I have a book cover! Meep!

InTheLightofWhatWeSeeHello, my lovelies!

I have a cover and official blurb for my new book, In The Light of What We See. 

I think the designers at Lake Union have captured the mood of the book perfectly and I’m thrilled. Hope you like it!

Here’s the blurb:

Brighton, 1938: Grace Kemp is pushed away by the family she has shamed. Rejected and afraid, she begins a new life as a nurse. But danger stalks the hospital too, and she’ll need to be on her guard to avoid falling into familiar traps. And then there are the things she sees…Strange portents that have a way of becoming real.

Eighty years later, Mina Morgan is brought to the same hospital after a near-fatal car crash. She is in terrible pain but recalls nothing. She’s not even sure whom to trust. Mina too sees things that others cannot, but now, in hospital, her visions are clearer than ever…

Two women, separated by decades, are drawn together by a shared space and a common need to salvage their lives.

It’s out on 1st April 2016 and is available for pre-order. You, know. In case you’re interested…


8 responses to “I have a book cover! Meep!”

  1. Dana Evans Avatar
    Dana Evans

    ooooh! Sounds SO good! Love the cover! Marking it on my calendar for purchase 🙂

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you, Dana! You are very kind.

  2. Carl Markham Avatar
    Carl Markham

    Hi Sarah,
    LOVED the cover (such a pensive expression, which invites curiosity about the title – so an excellent marketing ploy.) I’m sure it will fly off the shelves!
    Personally, I’m very much ‘into’ the Thirties – what with all that jazz and ‘shimmying’; the wonderful architecture and interiors of the period, together with all the new inventions it must have been an exciting age, so looking forward to see how you capture this, as well as the contrasting social background of this era. I also liked your idea of a ‘time shift’ (something I’m working on in my own novel although in a different context) – so roll on April ’16!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you, Carl! Yes, I’m a wee bit obsessed with that time period – it’s fascinating. Good luck with your novel. Hope the writing is going well!

  3. Iain Avatar

    Good luck Sarah!
    All the best from Booths:-)

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you, Iain. My lovely garden office definitely helped me to write it!

  4. susankmann Avatar

    Ooh so pretty. I love the cover and cannot wait to read x

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you, Susan! x