It’s Monday morning as I write this – not traditionally a time of deep joy – but I am fizzing with excitement. Okay, some of that may be the caffeine (I didn’t sleep well and possibly over-filled the tea bucket) but it’s mostly happiness.
I am just so damn lucky because I love my job. I went out for a meal with my lovely husband recently and do you know what I started blethering about as soon as my first beer hit? My job: My current WIP, my ideas for this website, how amazingly nice and supportive my readers are, how flipping lucky I am, and how I still can’t believe I get to do this…
So, thank you to you all for being here. I am so grateful to you for reading and talking about my books and for hanging out in my corner of the internet.
And I’m grateful to all readers, too. They (well, ‘we’, since I’m a reader, too) support an industry which promotes creativity and empathy and enables a (lucky) few to work in their PJs.
On that note, if you fancy winning a signed copy of The Language of Spells, there’s a GoodReads giveaway running at the moment (finishes Thursday). You can enter here.
4 responses to “Monday Motivation: Happy Author Is Happy”
love your books (so does my aunt)!!!
Oh, thank you! What a lovely message. x
A knitted owl…..Now that’s a new one for me! (I collect them, and they’re made from every material under the sun – rubber, crystal, bone, wax to name but a few), but never seen a knitted one before, which I find rather odd as it seems so obvious. Anyway, thanks for the lovely image, which put a smile on my face for this really dreadful weather we’ve experiencing here today (such a change from yesterday when I thought Spring had arrived!)
Thanks, Carl! Hope the weather is a wee bit better for you today.