In The Light of What We See Publication Day! Meep!


Hello my lovelies!

*Standby for excessive exclamation marks and random CAPITAL LETTERS*


I am thrilled to share this book with you all and I really hope that you like it.

It’s a story I have wanted to write for a long time, and Mina’s voice came to me very clearly back in 2010, when I was doing my masters in creative writing at St Andrews university. Now, a mere (!) six years later it’s a proper shiny book and on the shelves.

Yay! I am celebrating with a meal out later on (and the champagne in the picture).

Thank you so much for reading and for all your support. I truly believe in this book and, of course, am super-nervous about its reception/whether it will do ‘well enough’.

It definitely helps that I woke up to find over forty five star reviews on Amazon, and the book sitting in the top hundred on the bestseller chart – phew!

In The Light of What We Seeavailable now in audiobook, ebook and paperback.

Word of mouth is still the biggest factor in a book’s success, so if you could tell a friend, send a Tweet or leave a review, I’d be over the moon.



4 responses to “In The Light of What We See Publication Day! Meep!”

  1. Susan Mann Avatar

    Yay happy publication day lovely. xxx

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Sorry for my late reply and thanks so much, Susan! x

  2. Carl Markham Avatar
    Carl Markham

    Ah – a REAL book at last!!! Very many congrats. Sarah, albeit a peedie bit late, but have just returned to my ‘fantasy island’ following a week in that rather larger one next door! ( i.e. back to see my sister in Southport!)
    Now to order my copy from our local bookshop (yes, believe it or not folks, they do still exist!) and will try to get our library to put it on the list for our book reading club. (We had a visit from J.K. Rowling last month – how about that?)
    Hope they keep flying off the shelves!

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thanks, Carl! Hope you had a nice family visit, and I’m very jealous that you had a visit from J.K. Rowling – how wonderful!