Beneath The Water Cover Reveal

Hello, my lovelies.

Well, it’s a been a while, hasn’t it? Blogging has rather fallen off my to-do list this year and, I’ll be quite honest, I’m not sure whether that situation will improve… I am thinking of renaming this section of the site ‘news’ or ‘what I’m working on at the moment’ to indicate the more sporadic nature of the updates.

If you miss hearing from me and want to keep up-to-date with my writing news, life stuff, reading (and tea!) recommendations, then the very best thing is to sign up to my Sarah Painter Books newsletter.

I promise I won’t inundate your inbox (I usually send an email once every 4-8 weeks) and you will be the first to hear my news, as well as getting access to exclusive content and giveaways.

My news today is that I have finally finished all of the rewrites and edits on my new book. It’s called Beneath The Water and I have a cover AND a release date – huzzah!

Ta-da! What do you think? I really hope you like it…


It’s out on 8th February 2018 in paperback, ebook and audio formats, and you can pre-order it right now:

Amazon UK

Amazon US

The blurb isn’t up yet (sign-up to my mailing list to be notified as soon as I have it!), but the book is set on the west coast of Scotland in the present day with a historical strand, set in Victorian Edinburgh.

In other news, I had a lovely summer and am now raring to go with my new writing projects.

I have just finished the rewrites on a supernatural thriller (darker and more violent than my usual fare) and am getting stuck into a new series idea… More on that as soon as I’m able to talk about it!




5 responses to “Beneath The Water Cover Reveal”

  1. CJ Avatar

    Congratulations on the new book, that’s great news. Looking forward to receiving your newsletter.

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you, CJ! And thank you for signing up for my newsletter – great to have you on board! x

  2. Susan Mann Avatar

    wow it looks amazing. I cannot wait to read this xx

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Thank you, Susan – you are very kind! xx

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