News from Sarah Painter

  • Friday Five: The gratitude edition

    I’ve sent the rewrite to my brilliant agent, had a relaxing day out with my Mum yesterday, it’s almost the weekend, and I’m feeling very grateful for my life. Happy Friday all! 1. Oh, my office, how I love thee. I love stepping out of the house and actually *going*…


  • No More Page 3

    Lucy Ann-Holmes has started a campaign to get The Sun to drop the out-dated and offensive page 3. I’ll be honest, I’ve been dealing with the reality of page 3 by pretending that it doesn’t exist, but that’s not helpful. And it’s not going to halt the sexual objectification of women (something that…


  • Friday Five: The writing process

    I’ve been thinking a lot about my writing process this week. Unfortunately, I’m also buried in another rewrite of The Book so haven’t been able to shape those thoughts into a coherent blog post. A process-themed Friday Five shall have to do – for now! 1. First off, this thoughtful…
