News from Sarah Painter

  • Writing Challenge Check In: Week 4

    Oh my goodness, we’re half way through the challenge. How are you guys doing? My revised goal (to rewrite the follow up to The Language of Spells) isn’t quite as easy to track (I’m rewriting and cutting, as well as adding new words), but I was planning to have finished…


  • Writing Challenge Check In: Week 3

    Hello, my lovelies. How was your week? I hope you all managed to get lots of words written or a chunk of editing completed. Whatever goal you set yourself, I hope it helped you to get work done when you might not otherwise, and to appreciate your progress, no matter…


  • Authors for the Philippines

    In 2011, following the Japanese tsunami, YA author Keris Stainton, set up a charity auction called Authors For Japan. She raised £13,000 to help those in dire need. In the wake of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, she’s doing it again. Authors for the Philippines is live now. You can…
