News from Sarah Painter

  • Jennifer Wilde by Karen Mahoney and Stephen Downey

    I’ve been meaning to read more in the way of comics/graphic novels for a wee while. Partly because I’m aware that there is a truck load of story-telling talent in this area, and partly because my daughter loved Anya’s Ghost and I’m on the look out for stuff to recommend…


  • I’m back!

    Since my last post I’ve been to the circus (this one – highly recommended), been ‘down south’ to visit my in-laws and play catch-up with lots of friends (also highly recommended – thanks again, all!), but mainly I’ve been working very hard to finish the new book. The deadline was…


  • Friday Five: The Summer Holiday Edition

    I had planned to show you pretty pictures from my holiday last week. Yes, my writing cave was situated on the west coast of Scotland, surrounded by breathtaking scenery and beautiful (and beautifully quiet) beaches. * However, technology is thwarting me today. Maybe next week? Of course, as soon as…
