News from Sarah Painter

  • In which I am grateful: What a month!

    On Sunday, my book will have been out in the world for one month. I’ve gone from being incredibly nervous, to being elated, stressed, joyful, tired, back to nervous, and then elated again. Bearing in mind that I’m an anxious sort of person, I’m pleased with how I’ve coped and…


  • Writing, writing, writing… And drinking tea

    It’s fingers to keyboard, here, and will be for the next six weeks as the deadline for the follow up to The Language of Spells looms. In other news, my writing column this week is about Chasing Silence.


  • Scrivener Love

    Well, I’ve been using Scrivener in earnest for about a week now and I love it. All the things that I like to do when writing (write scraps of scenes out of order, set word count targets, move scenes around, keep multiple versions of the same WIP) are super-easy to…
