News from Sarah Painter

  • Soul Taken Release Tour – What is Digital First?

    I am delighted to be hosting YA author Katlyn Duncan on her debut release tour.  Take it away, Katlyn… Hello everyone! I am so happy to be on Sarah’s blog today! My topic for today is about the phrase “digital-first”. This is a near and dear topic to me since…


  • In which I am published!

    My first book is published today! It’s out in the world for people to read – to enjoy (or not), to buy (or not), to hate (please not). I’ve been striving for this day for a long time and now it’s here, I feel a crazy mixture of happiness, hope,…


  • Announcing The Language of Spells Blog Tour

    To celebrate publication (tomorrow!), I’m heading off on a blog tour. A book tour you can do in your pajamas: Best. Invention. Ever. Here’s the schedule. There will be guest posts, interviews and giveaways; hope you can make it!* Thursday 30th May – Keris Stainton Friday 31st May – Strictly Writing Saturday…
