News from Sarah Painter

  • Quick update (warning, contains meeping)

    Meep! My publisher (I’ll never get tired of saying that) has announced me on their website. There’s an article about ‘my journey to publication‘, too. (I left out most of the meeping… Trying to sound professional, yo).  If you want more of my blether, I’m also on Novelicious talking about…


  • Nothing to see here

    Well, I’m continuing the April challenge despite the kids being on Easter hols (didn’t think of that) and some more revisions on book one, but it isn’t leaving me much time for anything else. In lieu of a proper blog post, take a look at this picture of my mum’s…


  • April Challenge

    I’ve been working on the new book for a couple of months but still feel like I’m in the planning stages. I’ve been doing lots of thinking and have started a book collage, but I haven’t written as many words as I’d like. In fairness, I’ve had quite a lot…
