News from Sarah Painter

  • Keeping score

    My love of lists is well-documented but I love keeping records, too. I hesitate to give details, lest I come across as obsessive (heaven forbid!) and a bit odd, but it’s probably too late to worry about that… So. I’ve kept a diary (I don’t write everyday, but regularly enough)…


  • Time flies…

    Wow, 21st of the month already; how did that happen? I hope you’re all well, and that your resolutions and goals are progressing nicely. If not, I hope that the dark days of January aren’t lowering your spirits too much. I must admit, I’m enjoying a fantastic start to 2013.…


  • Book News: Life After Life by Kate Atkinson

    I just heard (via The Twitters) that Kate Atkinson has a new novel out this year; oh, happy day! It’s not a Jackson Brodie story (crikey, I love her Jackson Brodie books), but it sounds fantastic just the same. Here’s the Amazon blurb: What if you had the chance to…
