News from Sarah Painter

  • Public service announcement

    I don’t know about you, but I often get ideas in the shower. Story ideas, life ideas, fantastic inventions* and the foolproof way to ensure world peace. Of course, by the time I’m out of the shower, dried and dressed and ready to write them down, they’ve gone… Elusive little…


  • New ‘writing for teenagers’ course

    My lovely friend Keris Stainton is running a six-week online course on writing for teenagers. Keris has had three YA novels published by Orchard Books and is an enthusiastic and inspirational person. I know from personal experience that Keris gives insightful and thoughtful feedback; if you want to write for…


  • The secret of successful writing

    Hello! Sorry for my absence of late. I’m trying to get as much of my first draft done as possible before Christmas. Sorry, too, for this poor excuse for a blog post, but I do have one thing for you… Meg Rosoff reveals the Secret Of Writing. Enjoy!
