News from Sarah Painter

  • StoryWonk NaNo Podcasts

    Why, yes; this is yet another blog about NaNoWriMo. So, are you taking part? I’m not (having established through experience that 50,000 words in a month is beyond me), but I am following a personal challenge to get 30,000 words down during November. With that in mind, I’m lapping up any…


  • Joss Whedon endorses Mitt Romney

    Joss Whedon endorses Mitt Romney. Have I mentioned that I love Joss Whedon? [Via ArghInk]


  • Getting started… Again

    After months of revisions, I’ve finally started something new. I’ve been mulling over ideas and doing bits and pieces of writing and research, but something clicked over the weekend and I’m ready to dive in for real. I can’t really describe the difference between ‘trying to start’ and ‘starting’ (for…
