News from Sarah Painter

  • Announcing The Language of Spells Blog Tour

    To celebrate publication (tomorrow!), I’m heading off on a blog tour. A book tour you can do in your pajamas: Best. Invention. Ever. Here’s the schedule. There will be guest posts, interviews and giveaways; hope you can make it!* Thursday 30th May – Keris Stainton Friday 31st May – Strictly Writing Saturday…


  • The wisdom of Discworld

    May 25th was Terry Pratchett appreciation day, during which fans and supporters wear lilac to celebrate his work and to recognise his ongoing battle with Alzheimer’s. I missed the day this year, but I love Pratchett’s books (especially those starring Death, Susan, Tiffany Aching, Granny Weatherwax and The Watch) and…


  • The lowdown on e-books

    I’ve had a Kindle for a couple of years, now, and love the sample feature and ability to take loads of books with me on holiday. I still buy physical books, though, which brings me to the first item on my list: 1. E-books haven’t killed paper books. Not yet,…
