News from Sarah Painter
Announcing The Language of Spells Blog Tour
To celebrate publication (tomorrow!), I’m heading off on a blog tour. A book tour you can do in your pajamas: Best. Invention. Ever. Here’s the schedule. There will be guest posts, interviews and giveaways; hope you can make it!* Thursday 30th May – Keris Stainton Friday 31st May – Strictly Writing Saturday…
The wisdom of Discworld
May 25th was Terry Pratchett appreciation day, during which fans and supporters wear lilac to celebrate his work and to recognise his ongoing battle with Alzheimer’s. I missed the day this year, but I love Pratchett’s books (especially those starring Death, Susan, Tiffany Aching, Granny Weatherwax and The Watch) and…
The lowdown on e-books
I’ve had a Kindle for a couple of years, now, and love the sample feature and ability to take loads of books with me on holiday. I still buy physical books, though, which brings me to the first item on my list: 1. E-books haven’t killed paper books. Not yet,…