News from Sarah Painter

  • The Garden of Magic Publication Day. Huzzah!

    Meep! The Garden of Magic, a novella-length prequel to The Language of Spells, is out today! You can order it from Amazon and Kobo for just 99p. (iBooks and Nook links are coming soon.) Here’s the blurb: Iris Harper has lived in Pendleford for decades. The local witch is mistrusted by the townsfolk,…


  • New book deal, new hat…

    As you all probably know, the path to getting a book from imagination to publication is not an easy (or short) one. I’ve had the idea for this particular book knocking around in my head for years, but I didn’t feel I was ‘good enough’ to write it. Then I…


  • Holiday fun and novella news

    Well, I’m FINALLY allowed to tell you all that I have a new book coming out. Yay! It’s just a short one (a novella, in fact) and is a prequel to The Language of Spells. It’s called The Garden of Magic and I believe it’s out next month (I will…
