News from Sarah Painter

  • Scrivener Love

    Well, I’ve been using Scrivener in earnest for about a week now and I love it. All the things that I like to do when writing (write scraps of scenes out of order, set word count targets, move scenes around, keep multiple versions of the same WIP) are super-easy to…


  • In which I am hasty

    Just a quick post today, as I’m determined to up the word count on my WIP and if I have any spare time I’m going to re-read The Crow Road in honour of the great Iain Banks. It’s the last stop on my blog tour and I’m with fellow Carina…


  • We have a winner!

    Thank you so much to everyone who entered my giveaway – I wish I had a Nook Touch for every single one of you! However, Random Number Generator has spoken, and the winner is Tamalyn Roberts. Congratulations! I’m planning many more giveaways over the next couple of months, so do…
