News from Sarah Painter
Book News: Life After Life by Kate Atkinson
I just heard (via The Twitters) that Kate Atkinson has a new novel out this year; oh, happy day! It’s not a Jackson Brodie story (crikey, I love her Jackson Brodie books), but it sounds fantastic just the same. Here’s the Amazon blurb: What if you had the chance to…
Greetings and salutations, 2013!
Yes, it’s a week into the new year but this is my first proper day back at work. I’ve packed the kids off to school and I’m in my office (yay!) with a giant mug of tea and a head full of good intentions. I adore making plans and setting…
So long, 2012!
Wow. End of the year already… Time for some personal highlights of 2012: Signed with dream agent at fabulous agency, Watson, Little Ltd. Meep! Re-worked novel with help from dream agent, learning lots and making the book so much better. After years of research and prevarication finally chose, ordered and…