News from Sarah Painter

  • The secret of successful writing

    Hello! Sorry for my absence of late. I’m trying to get as much of my first draft done as possible before Christmas. Sorry, too, for this poor excuse for a blog post, but I do have one thing for you… Meg Rosoff reveals the Secret Of Writing. Enjoy!


  • Bookish gifts for Christmas

    My favourite bookish gift is, you’ve guessed it, a good book, but here are some ideas if you need further inspiration. These Kindle covers are stylish, practical and On Sale. What more could you want? Varieties include Wuthering Heights, The Wizard of Oz, Dracula and Alice in Wonderland. £9.95 from…


  • Ian Rankin and the Case of the Disappearing Detective

    If you’re a fan of Ian Rankin, are interested in the process of writing a novel, or are trying to write yourself, this BBC programme is worth catching. It follows Ian Rankin over a year of writing one of his novels and is a fascinating insight into the highs and…
