News from Sarah Painter

  • Writing lessons from Venice

    Venice is a ‘wow’ kind of place. There’s eye candy everywhere you look, something intriguing around every corner, and even the most mundane things (travelling by taxi, for example) are interesting and exciting (speed boat, baby). Don’t you want your book to be like Venice? I know I do… So,…


  • Venice: City of doors and windows

    I can now reveal that last week’s coy allusion to happy busy-ness was in reference to my holiday… Yes, folks, I spent last week sipping wine in the sunshine and wandering the streets of Venice with my lovely family. *Smug mode engaged* Contrary to popular opinion, Venice is not a…


  • Jane Espenson interview

    There’s a great podcast with Jane Espenson (scriptwriter on Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Gilmore Girls, Dollhouse and many more) at Storywonk. If you’re interested in script writing, do yourself a favour and go listen.
