News from Sarah Painter

  • Writers on Writing: Haruki Murakami

    In his memoir What I Talk About When I Talk About Running Murakami covers training for marathons alongside reminiscences from his life and travels and, of course, his writing. It’s a slim volume that captivated me even though I have no particular interest in running (apart from to admire the…


  • Towel Day; who knew?

    I was introduced to Douglas Adams at a young age. I remember listening to Hitch-Hikers on the radio with my brother and picking up the books from my parents’ shelves as soon as I was able. Despite these impeccable credentials, I wasn’t aware that May 25th is Towel Day in…


  • Monday Motivation: An Invocation for Beginnings

    I’m always firmly behind the zeitgeist – five years ago I would’ve been earnestly asking if you’d seen this cool show called The West Wing. Anyhoo, that’s a long way of saying that I only just discovered Ze Frank (courtesy of Laini Taylor’s blog – thank you!). He ran a…
