News from Sarah Painter

  • Friday Five

    Five fabulous links to distract and delight… 1. Becoming a writer has definitely affected my enjoyment of reading. Although I can still lose myself in a book, more often than not my enjoyment is accompanied by my ‘writer self’ examining and dissecting the prose. I’m not alone, as this interesting…


  • How to be a brilliant banker

    Surprisingly, I’m neither talking in rhyming slang nor being sarcastic. Having just watched John Green’s vlog on a project called Kiva, I had to pop over to my corner of the internet to tell you guys about it. The gist is this: it enables you to loan money to people…


  • Craft: This week I have been mostly…

    …Knitting. Now that the book is done (done!), I’ve got a little more time and I decided to start knitting again. Rather than finish one of my on-going projects (that would be too sensible), I’ve started something new. A mini shawl/scarf affair made with an elongated garter stitch.  As it’s…
