News from Sarah Painter

  • In which I am a winner

    The wonderful Lucy March is running a six-week manuscript revision workshop this summer. As much as I coveted the workshop, as much as I knew it was perfect timing (why yes, I do have a completed manuscript that I’m trying to wrestle into shape at This Very Moment), and as much as…


  • Chasing the shiny

    I just read a fabulous blog post by Jennifer Crusie that has made me feel a great deal better about my scatter-brained, continually distracted work ‘method’. She describes cognitive disinhibition and how the inability to ‘stay on topic’ and the tendency to get distracted by – and the inclination to…


  • A good day in New York

    Last night, the New York State Senate passed the Marriage Equality Act. It offers same sex couples the same legal rights as heterosexual couples. *Gives NYC a high five* [Via Newsweek]
