News from Sarah Painter

  • Tracking Goals Using The Plannerisms Planner

    I’m obsessed with goal-setting and stationery, so when I discovered a planner/notebook thingy which has been designed expressly for the purpose of tracking goals, I knocked it out with a club and dragged it to my cave immediately.* It’s called the Plannerisms Planner and I went for the ‘aqua’ colour-way which…


  • You Cannot Do It All. (No, really: You can’t)

    It’s the first week back to work for many of us and, perhaps, you’re already regretting the shiny list of goals and resolutions you made in that hazy, optimistic pause between the third and fourth glass of Baileys. There are many reasons resolutions often (always?) fall by the wayside, but…


  • 2015: Dreaming Big, Setting Goals

    Hello my lovelies! I hope you are having a wonderful winter holiday. In addition to eating chocolate and spending time with family, I’ve been chucking stuff out in preparation for the new year. There is something about the dead time between Christmas and January 1st which gets my ‘clear the…
