News from Sarah Painter

  • Friday Five: The NaNoWriMo Edition

    Oh my, it’s that time of year again… Already! How did this happen? (This is a serious question. Answers on a postcard, please.) So, the gears are turning at NaNoWriMo HQ, preparing for another month of frenzied keyboard activity as thousands of people around the world attempt the improbable: 50,000…


  • New Writers Awards

    Sorry, this one is only for those who live in Scotland. The Scottish Book Trust is looking for eight unpublished writers for the Awards. The New Writers will be given £2000 and professional support (including the chance to meet with publishers and agents). The deadline for applications is midday on…


  • I am a great writer

    In the recent Storywonk course I took with Lani Diane Rich, she ended each class by making us type (and say out loud) I AM A GREAT WRITER. She explains why in this podcast, but here’s the gist: There are people lining up to tell you that you’re not good…
