News from Sarah Painter

  • Writing, Snow and The End of The Year Approacheth

    Hello, my lovelies. It’s the last day of November – eep! As if to hammer the point home, the weather took a decidedly wintry turn yesterday (see above). I managed to hit my target of 30,000 words, but my WIP hasn’t grown by anywhere near that much as I’ve scrapped…


  • (Not) NaNoWriMo

    On the podcast this month, I interview thriller author Catherine Ryan Howard. Catherine was lots of fun and the interview has been described as ‘giggly’. Good thing I cut out lots of the laughter in the edit… Hop over here to listen (it’s free!) or via iTunes. In other news,…


  • Starting A New Book: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

    Hello, my lovelies! I had such grand plans for October. I was going to finish the second draft of my supernatural/fantasy book and send it to my agent. I was going to start the first draft of a new book. I was going to update this blog regularly, take a…
